Church of St. George in Veisiejai

The current church was built in 1817. It is the architectural monument of the transition from baroquesque to classicistic forms – the only such case of intertwining of styles in Lithuania. Although without towers, Veisiejai church is impressive in its size, therefore, it is called the Cathedral of Dzūkija. The interior of the church with five altars is decorated with the epitaphs of nobles Marija and Tadas Oginskiai. The crypt of its founders Marija and Tadas Oginskiai, Matas Žynevas and Viktorija Oginskaitė-Žynevienė is located in the basement of the church. There is a wooden bell tower next to the church in the corner of the churchyard. The bell hanging there dates back to about 1650s. The church always has an exposition of St. George’s sculptures. It is said, that Veisiejai Church of St. George can be seen in a 10 km distance from Veisiejai.